Albany Rotary Presents
Sunday, September 22 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Taste the Best of Lower Solano Avenue
Featuring Delectable Tastes from These Restaurants
Enjoy A Unique Experience with Your Friends and Family
Albany’s delicious and wide-ranging cuisines beckon to be tasted! In this rare opportunity, you can savor samplings from restaurants on lower Solano Avenue over the course of a relaxing Sunday afternoon.
Join with family, friends and community members to enjoy flavors crafted by our talented and generous local chefs – with live music adding some zest!
Each of the twelve restaurants participating in this event will be providing a taste or sampling of the food they are known for. Participants will get a bracelet and a map of restaurants when they sign-in at the event tent at 1216 Solano Ave., Albany.
Thanks to Our Sponsors
Click On a Logo to Visit!
Sunday, September 22, 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Start at the event tent at Cornell & Solano.
Our international efforts include supporting Rotary International’s push to eradicate polio worldwide, and joining with “Partners in Surgery” in Guatemala to provide much-needed cleft palate surgeries to indigenous people in remote areas. If you are interested in working together to serve our community (and the world!), promote integrity, and contribute to global understanding, goodwill, and peace, we welcome you to reach out to us and discuss membership in Albany Rotary!